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.....gathering broken aspects of yourself

and putting yourself back together again,,,,

Everyone as an adult suffers from childhood traumas which are imprinted within our physical body, emotional and subconscious mind, whether you are consciously aware of them or not. Trauma is distress without resolution. This creates our behaviors, self-limiting beliefs, relationships, and views on the world in negative ways that are very detrimental to living the happiest and most fulfilling lives possible.


Completion Process and the Issue of Trauma


A lot of people including myself sometimes suffer from anxiety, feeling lost,  overreacting in our relationships, feeling shame, anger, depression or emotional numbness. We want help, and we have tried numerous healing modalities, and yet deep down we still feel a struggle... We feel an emotional trigger by people, relationship, workplace, a family issue and so on.









I am a Completion Process Certified Practitioner which is a modality of deep emotional integration, emotional vipassana (strong emotional reactivity), and a modern-day soul retrieval process. It is designed specifically to help you unhook from past trauma that you have experienced.


It focuses on inner child work where we gather the broken aspects of oneself and put oneself back together again. I can guide you with presence and compassion through any painful emotions.

We go back to the causation of the original wound. I fully hold space for your emotional distress to integrate the original painful emotion.

 Benefits/Possibility of Working with The Completion Process


✅ Observe and detach from any situation that causes you emotional distress

✅ Increase your self-love

✅ Notice a decrease in overreacting

✅ Notice a decrease in taking things personally

✅ Identify your emotional pattern

✅ Identify your relationship dynamic

✅The subconscious reaction patterns change naturally, your life also changes naturally

✅It will change from negative recognition to neutral recognition

✅The tension of subconscious mind is solved, so the path, wish, the intention will become clearer


~ Healing your inner child is self-growth & self-love ~

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