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Psychological Perspective

According to Sigmund Freud, our conscious mind is about 10% and its job is to analyze, think and plan, and hold short-term memory.  

We know what we know, for example, we remember what we ate for breakfast, we remember how to ride a bike once we have learned. We can analyze a bank statement and plan a menu.

And we know what we don’t know too. For example, we know that we can’t speak Chinese if we have not learned how to do so. Or we don’t know what it is like to experience severe heat if we do not live in very hot countries. So we consciously recognize that we don’t know things.


On the other hand, the subconscious mind helps us to access the following areas of our mind:
We don’t know what we don’t know. For example, we might not consciously remember the details of the trauma, but the felt sense is still alive within the body and the brain, and we surely can access this with the Completion Process.

Why we have to re-experience the past trauma?


The inner child (the reaction pattern of emotions) in our subconscious mind exists in the memory which became trauma of the past. It can continuously drag us back to it all the times, so we unwittingly and automatically repeat the defense mechanisms worn in the past. This can affect the way you perceive and interpret your current situation or emotions. Your inner child has decided your behavior and can create boundaries that limit new options. By consolidating subconscious minds through the Completion Process, you will be transformed into a being conscious of new choices.

When we are born into this life, we experience our lives through felt perception before age eight. When you have a memory that comes from this time period in childhood, you are not going to able to get there just through your cognitive mind, because this is generally formed after a certain age. Your mind cannot cognitively remember, but your emotions from that particular period in childhood, can.  In general, people develop the capacity to think about the past at a later stage of life.


~ Healing your inner child is self-growth & self-love ~

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